Saturday, June 4, 2011

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  • inkswamp
    Apr 1, 08:29 PM
    I don't think that barmann was making a case against a new technology that didn't fit the old ways like when mice were first introduced.

    Sounded like it to me. May not have been the gist, but unwittingly, he was making that argument.

    His point was that as much as iPad fanboys want it to be the coolist thing ever that will replace all those old-fashioned computers there are differences in machines between consumer ones and those used by professionals.

    This is the exact argument made against the mouse and GUI. Exact. Mouse and GUI-based machines were scoffed at by geeks back in the 80s as "toys." That's the same rhetoric I'm hearing now about the iPad and touch-based devices. "It won't do for real work done by professionals." "It's fun but I can't get things done on it." That may be true for some lines of work at this stage, but it's going to change fast so declaring it useless or a plaything at this stage is shortsighted.

    And BTW, nobody is saying the iPad will replace computers. Just like the mouse and GUI, this approach is going to continue evolving until ways are found for it to enhance computers and become an essential part of it. But it's insane for people to write off touch-based tablets as fanboy cheerleading

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  • Though short bangs may suit

  • MacBytes
    Jun 24, 04:40 PM (

    Category: Apple Hardware
    Link: iPad: Apple reaches 3 Million (
    Description:: none

    Posted on (
    Approved by Mudbug

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  • buseman
    Jul 13, 11:15 AM
    Sofa Rockers by Kr�der & Dorfmeister.

    Its on the "K&D Sessions" double album.

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  • Sixtafoua
    Mar 23, 10:33 AM
    But his accent was so amazing!!!!!! :(


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  • wovel
    Apr 27, 04:13 PM
    Why does it take a media storm for Apple to open up on an issue ? It would be so much better if they more forthcoming and frank befoe an issue snowballs.

    As they said, it has been a week. It is not really there fault that the media instantly makes a storm out of every Apple issue.

    if they are not tracking people then why have the feature? maybe the information is for someone else??... who knows but one thing is for sure its an invasion of privacy..... even if I do stay home all day and night.

    It is clear from your reply you did not read the transcript or any thing else on this issue...

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  • Cougarcat
    Mar 25, 10:50 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    So basically Apple will still have the crummy on iOS 5.0

    Not necessarily, as the article says, Apple posted a job for Maps in 2009.


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  • Melrose
    Feb 1, 12:13 PM
    I have been beyond busy this past year, and haven't been able to post my guitart desktops, something I tried to do monthly.

    So here's hitting back with a bang and making up for the missed months


    I was just wondering if you were going to post new snaps of your strings. Thx! :)

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  • showtime
    Jun 20, 05:49 AM
    Hey guys. I have a incase slider case for iphone that I don't need. It's brand new and in Black. I'm looking to get $25 for this. I'd prefer to ship this within the lower 48 states. I'm also open for trades so feel free to post or PM me with offers. Thanks.



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  • peterdevries
    Apr 25, 09:40 AM
    Yes, I know nothing about the delay....due to the disgraceful actions of Apple and their total lack of openness.

    People keep whining about the lack of openness of Apple, but if I take a look at other companies in the same market (Samsung, Sony, LG etc..) I wonder how much more open they are, when compared to Apple? The only thing they do differently is announce their products in a different way, but I don't see announcements about products delays and their reasons by other manufacturers anywhere on a regular basis. What lack of openness are you referring to, and what do you expect from Apple?

    Anyone with a certain business sense would have handled the white iPhone issue in the same way that Apple did. They probably didn't know themselves when it would be ready for large scale production, so what good does it do to give regular updates or keep promising launch dates that cannot be met (I know they did this with the white iPhone, but this just proves that they should just confirm when they are sure)?

    All this outrage is because Apple is actually the most reliable manufacturer on the planet with it's synchronized and predictable launch patterns (bar some examples such as the Mac Mini and Air). I keep getting the feeling that it's the same kind of outrage that is present when the always-on-time guy is for once a bit late, whereas most of the others are late everyday and nobody cares.

    It's just a gadget, not a cure for cancer...

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  • iOrlando
    Nov 19, 02:49 PM
    Not true.. I am the Art Director for a Art department that makes grocery store ads.

    Soda is not a common loss leader since it's DSD Pepsi/Coke keep close price controls.

    I usually see produce and meat used as loss leaders..

    All food margins are bad for grocery stores...they end up making the most money off of their non-food items...which is why you often see a growing number of non-food aisles.

    Another point... I expect that TJ MAXX just bought up a bunch of the Refurbished iPads and is taking a $50 loss on each to get people in the stores.

    they are new iPads.

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Finally TJMaxx finally got the attention they wanted without spending thousands of dollars in advertising.

    Well they did pay money for it. They are probably losing between $70-$100 on each iPad.

    Here's a piece done by Fortune posted just a few minutes ago referring to the TJ Maxx thing:

    I seriously doubt the figure of "80 iPads total" aquired by TJ Maxx that is speculated in the article, but who knows.

    I think he meant 8,000. I did the math myself. All you do is count the number of stores east of colorado or so. I estimate 50%-60% of stores got 10 iPads each...throw in some Marshalls stores...and you get between 5,000 - 10,000 iPads.

    (notice how some Marshalls stores are holding off on their iPads until Black Friday...maybe they are apple users who actually figure out they have a prized possession...i can see most managers just saying..what are these ipads..lets just give them away).


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  • Willson
    Oct 9, 04:12 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7D11 Safari/528.16)

    Loving this so far!

    hairstyles with short bangs. with short bangs
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  • CaoCao
    Apr 27, 02:06 AM
    The lesbians.

    And what makes Lesbians likable? In my town they are busy ranting about how men are evil and stupid.


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  • fel10
    Oct 7, 04:34 PM
    Macbook Pro


    And my iPod Touch

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  • JsR
    Dec 28, 07:05 AM
    I was very lucky this year. I got:-

    Some new UGG's
    Tiffany bracelet
    �50 HMV Voucher
    �25 iTunes Voucher
    Parker Pen (I start my Master's next month and I wanted a nice pen!)
    A skin for my iPad
    A 27 inch iMac (It was my birthday beginning of December so that was joint birthday/christmas)
    Toni & Guy set

    Oh...and a cold :( Haha


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  • SpinThis!
    Mar 31, 12:11 PM
    If Adobe provides comprehensive .psd support, I can see this being useful as a companion to Photoshop. It obviously isn't intended to "be" Photoshop.

    Let's say you got a meeting with a client who wants to see your work. Photoshop is pretty heavy handed and can get in the way if you need to demo something. But on an iPad.... a client could say "what would it look like if our logo was down there..." or that "type was a shade darker" or whatever and you can prototype on it. So when you get back to your underground design lair the change already comes across just by opening the original .psd.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Feb 20, 03:58 PM
    "May I have the envelope, please. This thread will disappear in 1 minute."

    The Great Karnak


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  • Socratic
    May 2, 05:55 PM
    Except that the question "male to male sex" is discriminatory. It doesn't ask you "received anal sex", it asks you about your sexual orientation. Plain and simple, discriminatory and non-scientific because male-to-female sex has the exact same risks.

    It's not. Risky male to female sex is also excluded (sleeping with anyone involved in the sex industry). It's a question of exposure to mixing blood, and thus communicating disease. Statistically, Male to Male sex increases that risk. Also, if it was a homophobic policy female to female sex would be deemed a risk factor, but it's not, as it does not carry elevated risk. And to clarify, I'm not saying elevated means high - I'm saying it means higher.

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  • leekohler
    Apr 14, 10:54 AM
    You know, leekohler, I'd find this crusade you have to get respect for gay rights a lot more persuasive if you didn't make snide and deriding comments about republicans and Christians on a regular basis.

    Seeing someone so passionate about respect yet so blatantly not exhibiting it himself towards other groups undermines this position so badly I am actually going to ask you to stop one of the two. Please stop either

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  • ABernardoJr
    Apr 24, 11:49 PM
    I was considering the white iPhone a few days ago and just got the black one, I actually don't know if I'd even switch (just a restocking fee to worry about) to the white iPhone now though because I really like the black one a lot (probably more than I expected). I might still get the white iPhone 6 when that comes around though because I still think the white one looks good. But really you can't go wrong either way, the iPhone looks awesome with either color way. I'm just hoping they stay close to the form factor of the iPhone 4 for the next few iterations, unless they manage to find a big redesign that tops it (which I'm sure they are more than capable of lol) :apple:

    Oct 26, 03:10 AM
    Does anyone know if KRCS in Nottingham will be taking part in the launch?

    I've tried calling them but there is no answer :(

    Sep 8, 02:12 PM
    Simple and Star Wars... I LOVE IT.

    Can you share the image?

    yeah i saw this picture and decided it was utterly amazing :-)
    no problem
    i do *believe* this is were i got the wallpaper from [am not at school so cant check history]
    it should work anyways,wallpapers,40965/download,1920x1080,Black+and+White+Wallpaper+for+Star+Wars+Dolls.html

    Mar 29, 09:38 PM
    Just got a new 6th gen Nano. About 20 seconds into anything being played, it shuts down.. apparently going to sleep. The alarm clock is not on. Nothing in the fitness area is turned on. I've reset it to factory defaults. Any info or ideas concerning why it keeps going to sleep? Thanks!!

    Lord Blackadder
    Sep 26, 10:33 AM
    Lets say his girlfriends parents say it's ok for them to sleep in the same room. Also, lets say that you also know that your son is having sex. Lets also say that your son has been going out with this girl for 3 months. So would you let him or not?


    Apr 18, 08:44 AM
    That means that the browser cannot find a picture where the website says there should be one. It's like a "file not found" indicator.

    It's the fault of the website, not your computer.

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