Friday, June 3, 2011

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  • djepsilon
    Apr 27, 01:16 PM
    How about keeping on topic. This thread isn't about Sony. Start a thread elsewhere if you want to discuss it.


    I'm simply stating the point that I don't understand how people can keep debating this "issue" when there are CLEARLY more important things to talk about. I think because Apple is so successful they get picked on by the media and other Company's seem to get a free pass.

    ...And just because I have "newbie" next to my name doesn't mean I don't know how forums work buddy.

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  • ironman159
    Apr 7, 08:49 PM
    My battery life has been SO bad since 4.3 that I have to recharge at lunch. No restore, reboot, reset settings, hard reboot, Ping, etc... has helped. Apple BETTER get this fixed. And no, I'm not jailbroken. Go figure.

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  • iindigo
    Apr 27, 05:26 PM
    Also for fun - try enabling password for the screensaver and 60 minute idle logout. Then put your laptop to sleep and come back 60 min later only to have hung login window that accepts no input - works that way every time for me.

    Good thing the screensaver password dialog is the login window itself (even the same exact process) in Lion then, huh?

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  • eawmp1
    May 3, 05:42 AM
    what a horrid picture on the front!

    I wouldnt imagine what arn would put on the front page had it been a sperm donor fund....

    Unless you have something positive (like blood) to contribute to what is a worthy, life-saving endeavor, please refrain from gracing us with your wisdom. If the subject and/or photos offend you, don't click on the thread.


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  • jozeppy26
    Feb 9, 05:30 PM
    I have text messaging blocked on my account, so this would not be a good deal for me. Why would I want to pay $20/mo for text messaging when I can use Google Voice and pay nothing? The unlimited mobile to mobile would be nice, but not when it requires the text messaging plan. For those who DO have the texting plan already, then this is a very nice addition.

    ...because Google Voice doesn't support MMS.

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  • sk3pt1c
    Mar 29, 05:57 AM
    so, the thing is, tomatocart has payment modules and i want to charge customers for the "pay on delivery" option, which is not supported, hence i have to edit the module itself.

    i quote from TomatoCart's guides:

    The payment php files in the �/includes/modules/payment/� are responsible for rendering payment information for customers and handling payment gateway notifications; the files in the �/admin/includes/modules/payment/� contains the configuration options to configure the payment module. And each payment method also have a language resource XML file in the �/includes/languages/LANGUAGE_CODE/ modules/payment/�.

    so i basically have to edit the first two files, the one in "admin" and the one in "includes", and then update the language files...

    i'm uploading the three files in folders that denote their location in a zip file.

    i've edited the "admin" cod (cash on delivery) file and added the following, basically taken from a shipping method, that includes cost details (i'm adding the file in the zip file):

    $osC_Database->simpleQuery("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('Payment Cost', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_COST', '3.50', 'The payment cost for all orders using this payment method.', '6', '0', now())");


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  • blondepianist
    Apr 4, 04:36 PM
    It's already been reported that Lion Server will improve file sharing with Windows 7 (and of course, the mail service will work with the right client app), but what about other services? Can a Windows client log in with a network account?


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  • qtx43
    Apr 27, 01:03 PM
    FACT: Apple doesn't access the database cache, emails, passwords, photos on your phone either.
    ...I agree, but it's always good to keep corporations honest. Google, on the other hand, does try and get you to use their webmail precisely so that they can access it.


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  • JAT
    Apr 13, 10:33 AM
    Apple's probably gone to DEFCON 1 after last year's prototype theft, so the iPhone 5 is delayed because everything is taking longer due to security clearances.

    I would say DEFCON1, but 5 will still come out at the normal time. I think the rumor mill is going to be far less useful this year, after what happened with the prototypes and rumors last year. I have no doubt Apple is being even more secretive for possibly even going back to spreading false rumors themselves.

    That said, I wouldn't expect much upgrade for the 5. Maybe faster cpu/gpu, 8mp rear cam, universal radio, antenna tweak. Other than the antenna, those are really minor changes, despite what spec-whores will say. Maybe LTE for Verizon, but that doesn't seem too likely right now since ATT and others don't have anything ready for 4G.

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  • untypoed
    Apr 2, 02:11 PM

    What icons/theme are you using? I'm not one to change my icons (nor do I have much experience outside Linux) but that picture just might've changed my mind.


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  • qtx43
    Apr 27, 01:03 PM
    FACT: Apple doesn't access the database cache, emails, passwords, photos on your phone either.
    ...I agree, but it's always good to keep corporations honest. Google, on the other hand, does try and get you to use their webmail precisely so that they can access it.

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  • gkarris
    Apr 2, 07:31 PM
    Hey, I wanna go to a Super Shakespeare Party... ;)

    Need to save for an iPhone table instead.... :eek:



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  • Kyffin
    Apr 7, 12:36 PM
    Bristol Fighter, yaeh!

    You can have it up to 1000 bhp and still take it down the shops. If I can get one before middle age it'll be in orange, otherwise I'll have it in grey (a la Porsche Sport Classic)

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  • ajvizzgamer101
    Feb 26, 11:58 AM
    Does Artboard compare to Illustrator? What is your opinion?


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  • JoshuaKaufman
    Sep 26, 08:47 PM
    Looks great, but as my main email account is not a .mac account and POP doesn't really do it for me, I'll only use it if they provide IMAP access.

    The only real reason that I use .mac are its backup and synchronization features which are hardly worth paying $99 a year for. .mac still needs to come a long way to stay competitive and this is reasonable start, but a new interface is only that - a new interface. More space, more features and better functionality are the only way .mac will come out of the dark ages and join the rest of Apple's innovative, first-class products.

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  • milatchi
    Mar 31, 10:47 PM
    I'm thinking about it:
    I already have my prized Macintosh Plus but this one has more RAM and is a little different, but it would look good next to my other Plus and my Classic.


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  • go4kpo
    Nov 11, 08:53 AM
    I want to know how to make an odbc connection using php code

    Please send suggestions


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  • Cydonia
    Mar 23, 08:59 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I seem to recall Craig Federighi demoing Mac OS X Lion and he did a good job. Slightly nervous shaky hands but a watchable presenter.

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  • Michaelgtrusa
    Jan 10, 09:55 PM

    Feb 21, 09:41 AM
    ahahahah.........Oh goooooogle! :D

    Aug 17, 08:26 PM
    Isn't that a billion? There is a long time to go before we get that many posts. :D

    May 6, 12:21 PM
    Apologies if this has been asked in the past. I've got an album i downloaded a couple of years back in iTunes (Just found it in my purchase history)

    Would I be charged for redownloading this, or would it be free in the same way I've done it with paid apps?


    Mar 25, 11:16 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I cannot wait for iOS 5!!! I really hope the cloud takes over the role of iTunes in the area of file syncing, updating, etc. And we see a new maps application! Just those two would be great, but I know they'll be more! :)

    May 2, 09:58 PM
    19 Negatives for this news. WHAT!?!

    They are helping people man!

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