Monday, May 30, 2011

cartel de sinaloa

cartel de sinaloa. most powerful drug cartel,
  • most powerful drug cartel,

  • hobo.hopkins
    May 2, 09:33 AM
    I should hope that this update will allay any of the concerns and fears that some panic-stricken people have had lately.

    cartel de sinaloa. Cartel de Sinaloa + Corridos
  • Cartel de Sinaloa + Corridos

  • Jethrotoe
    Apr 28, 06:07 AM
    I must say, I have never seen a more patient group of mentors in my life.
    Hats off to ya. You are all great. I've learned volumes reading your posts.

    And thank you.

    cartel de sinaloa. Cártel de Sinaloa dominará
  • Cártel de Sinaloa dominará

  • Lord Blackadder
    Aug 4, 12:59 AM
    Dealerships have way too much power. You can thank them for the Pontiac G3 and G5.

    How about no thanks. :eek:

    cartel de sinaloa. del Cártel de Sinaloa.
  • del Cártel de Sinaloa.

  • systole
    Mar 28, 07:39 PM
    Isn't the design awards just a fancy carrot in disguise?

    Personally, I think that the biggest detriment to developers is control. If you find an app on their website, the developer controls the shopping environment, and licensee terms. By submitting their app, developers loose control first, profit second.


    cartel de sinaloa. SINALOA CARTEL middot; ASESINAN A

  • Cassie
    Jan 13, 03:44 AM
    And white text is not the best choice, because the background of MacRumors isn't white, it is color #FAFAFA. Get with the program people.

    I beg to differ.:)

    cartel de sinaloa. Sinaloa cartel boss,
  • Sinaloa cartel boss,

  • ChrisBrightwell
    Sep 28, 02:00 PM
    Is the update available now?Don't think so, but I'm not near a Mac w/ 'net access.


    cartel de sinaloa. Cartel de Sinaloa
  • Cartel de Sinaloa

  • Popeye206
    Jan 15, 04:04 PM
    What I loved.... Apple TV update and Time Capsule was a nice surprise!

    What I'm happy about.... the iPhone update! Nice! (but see below)

    What is nice but I can't use... MacBook Air. Cool... expensive, but cool.

    Disappointments... $20 iPod Touch Update? WTF? That one came from nowhere??? 24 hours to watch a movie... Lame! I really think it should be 72 hours at least... then it would ROCK! And back to the iphone update... what about copy and paste? Erasing multiple emails? Please be soon!!!

    Overall... a nice job by Apple... I think it's all a step in the right direction, but as with most Apple things... 1.0 is cool... 2.0 is kick-butt and worth it... speaking of which... time to get an AppleTV. :-)

    cartel de sinaloa. cartel de sinaloa. Epifanio Cartel De Sinaloa; Epifanio Cartel De Sinaloa. edifyingGerbil. Apr 22, 09:23 PM
  • cartel de sinaloa. Epifanio Cartel De Sinaloa; Epifanio Cartel De Sinaloa. edifyingGerbil. Apr 22, 09:23 PM

  • DoFoT9
    Jul 11, 02:39 PM
    ^^ yeh i agree! would be nice to get a new bunch of people on having a crack.


    cartel de sinaloa. cartel de sinaloa. Cartel De Sinaloa; Cartel De Sinaloa. Redneck1089. Aug 29, 12:30 PM. Greenpeace can shove it.
  • cartel de sinaloa. Cartel De Sinaloa; Cartel De Sinaloa. Redneck1089. Aug 29, 12:30 PM. Greenpeace can shove it.

  • Hephaestus
    Mar 18, 08:18 PM
    I agree with you on this- the comments were definitely rude.

    But I still don't think you get my point (and this includes the guy who posted below my previous post). That it doesn't mean that the other person is jealous of you. Its this attitude that irks me. And its this very attitude that so many "fanboys" share. Why in the world would someone be JEALOUS of you because you have a $200-$300 phone or even a $1500 computer?!? And because you think others envy you for it, you end up placing extraordinary value on everyday material things. I mean, seriously, is this what you use to define your status in society, what kind of phone you carry? Are you really that shallow and materialistic? I honestly feel pity for you.

    To the other poster. You were jealous of (or "hated") those who had iphones until you got one for yourself. Now you believe that everyone around you is jealous of you.

    I understand, you buy something trendy, and it makes you feel good. Thats great, I'm not arguing with that, because you should enjoy everything you have. But its this faux sense of superiority that comes with it, that makes you believe that others are envious of you because you bought this gadget. Its not like you've won the Nobel prize or even drive a Bugatti Veyron, that would make someone want what you have. No, you bought a phone. A phone that lots of people already have. A phone that my housekeeper's 11 year old son has. And any Joe Schmoe can walk into any Apple store/Walmart/Best Buy and pick one up. And when the new model comes out, you'll buy that as well, because you're chronically unsatisfied with what you have, and somehow, you feel that owning this will raise you up above the rest of society. It is people with attitudes like this (the attitude of the fanboy) that Apple capitalizes on.

    Take this as a life lesson -- set your goals higher. Don't be envious of the guy with the cooler phone.

    Oh my, you really missed the point with this one. Maybe you are right and I'm exaggerating, but if someone flat out starts being rude to someone because they see them with something, then I'm struggling to think of a reason. By no means am I placing extraordinary value on it, what have I been repeating through every page of this thread? Its just a damn phone. Keep your life lessons to yourself and try not to be so condescending.

    Also, reality is that there are a lot of people out there that get jealous of material things. Some people get jealous when they see others drive a nicer car, some get jealous when they see someone with nicer shoes then them. I perfectly understand the shallowness of the human condition. I'm simply pointing out an observation based on my own personal experience within the last few days.

    cartel de sinaloa. Obama Vs Sinaloa Cartel
  • Obama Vs Sinaloa Cartel

  • cult hero
    Mar 25, 06:04 PM
    If you think that John Siracusa (or citations thereto) is a troll, then your ignorance is breathtaking. (The absence of your actually addressing the issue at hand in lieu of ad hominem attacks is conspicuous and dubious.)

    Did I miss something? I was talking about Eidorian. And I don't care if he's secretly Steve Jobs. A troll is a troll.

    If I hung around on a Nokia-centric site and posted CONSTANTLY about Nokia sucking nowadays and made negative posts on virtually every single article people would label me a troll because that's what I'd be.


    cartel de sinaloa. Leader of Sinaloa drug cartel
  • Leader of Sinaloa drug cartel

  • AdeFowler
    Jan 9, 06:14 AM
    New MacBook Pros including the ultra portable
    Movie Rentals
    Apple TV update
    iPod HiFi (seriously)

    cartel de sinaloa. (mainly the Sinaloa cartel
  • (mainly the Sinaloa cartel

  • dmelgar
    Jul 22, 09:46 AM
    ALL phones are subject to detuning. The amount of detuning is up to the phone but this is natural. When someone told me, your signal drops when hold the iphone in a wierd s***.

    Untrue. The iPhone is the only phone affected this way. Apple implying a lie doesn't make it true.


    cartel de sinaloa. del cártel de Sinaloa
  • del cártel de Sinaloa

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 28, 09:38 AM
    wlh99, let me tell you precisely what I want to achieve, so there is no more confusion.

    Two views;

    View 1 is the ticker and a button underneath (button start.

    View 2 is display (label) with the timer running and a button underneath (button Cancel)

    Button Cancel will have two maybe three funtions ( stop the timer, reset it or just reset it at once and call View1 so the user can reuse the timer over again. That's it, I want to add that function to my App for 1.1 or it could be 1.4 if don't get to study now hahaa.

    I'll take care of the alarms, sounds and those details if it reaches to zero, that I know already.

    By the way, what's with 3rd person reference? the OP? you can call me Nekbeth or Chrystian, it's a lot more polite. Maybe you guys have a way to refer to someone , I don't know.

    cartel de sinaloa. Juarez cartel and Sinaloa
  • Juarez cartel and Sinaloa

  • Crike .40
    Nov 16, 03:09 PM
    this may have been mentioned before, and if so I'm sorry.

    But it is entirely possible that because of the sources checkered (to say the least) history that this is a piece of insided information that was misinterpretted.

    It could entirely be the case that simply Apple is planning on buying more ATI video cards. This could be for use in iTV, or even dedicated graphics (please please please) in the lower end machines: MacBook/Mini.

    just a thought, but possible I s'pose.


    cartel de sinaloa. a Cártel de Sinaloa
  • a Cártel de Sinaloa

  • thisisahughes
    Mar 24, 05:53 PM
    Happy Birthday Mac OS X.

    cartel de sinaloa. trafficking Cartel+sinaloa
  • trafficking Cartel+sinaloa

  • calculus
    Sep 12, 07:29 AM (

    Click to see it...
    Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis - great tune!


    cartel de sinaloa. Apoyo Al Cartel De Sinaloa Por
  • Apoyo Al Cartel De Sinaloa Por

  • Powers
    Jan 15, 02:28 PM
    The public is not ready for that, and the R&D costs alone, plus deployment, would be tremendous and if you operate like Microsoft you find yourself spending 7 years to deploy a bigger leap only to find out it's a dud. Apple is smart for taking kiddie steps before they run with it.

    The next kiddie step, I suspect, is multitouch... Granted, I'm sure some were hoping for a full blown multitouch display. I know I was.. but not everyone is ready for that experience just yet. In fact, I'd say a lot of people are't.

    Couldn't agree more. I know people who have disabled the drag and tap features of the trackpad; let alone handle multitouch! The multitouch is excellent perhaps the best move forward in a long long while - time saved is money.

    As a pro audio engineer I really really really wish it had Firewire 400 or 800 not USB2. USB2 is too slow for multitrack recording and drivers are no way as robust. Oh well.

    cartel de sinaloa. Apoyo Al Cartel De Sinaloa Por
  • Apoyo Al Cartel De Sinaloa Por

  • MattInOz
    Mar 24, 10:11 PM
    Huzzah! I remember using an Apple IIe. It's come a long way, and I've loved every second that I've been a part of it (except things did get a liiiittttlee sketchy around the "grey box" era).

    My dad was still using his ][e when I brought my iMac G4 (10.2.8) and moved to OS X from OS 9 which was on the G3 beige desktop that was handed down to him. I installed OS X on that machine for him. So he jumped from ProDOS to OS X. Bit of a leap.

    Have to say moving OS 9 to X was a pain but nothing compared to ProDOS to OS X. Lucky that the 3 1/4 floppy drive could still read the ProDOS formatted disks.

    cartel de sinaloa. Apoyo Al Cartel De Sinaloa Por
  • Apoyo Al Cartel De Sinaloa Por

  • Hattig
    Aug 2, 08:27 AM
    Despite what a couple of posters here seem to be saying, it is good that some countries have a mechanism for protecting consumers from bad situations.

    In terms of Apple's DRM however, I think you'll find that each type of DRM is a platform. Much like CDs, cassettes, and so on. I can't play vinyl in my CD player, however I can make a recording of the output, much as I can burn a CD from iTunes of iTMS purchased music.

    Also it is not restricted to iPods. You can play it on every Apple Mac and Windows based PC using the freely available software from Apple. You can even play them on a couple of Motorola phones. This will weaken this part of the case against Apple. Apple can say they've taken reasonable measures to ensure that purchased media is available to the purchaser. They'll also state that there is no "No DRM" option available, this is mandated by the music companies. Also they'll state that they're not selling the music under false pretences, and people aren't forced to buy music from their store.

    However I hope that the terms and conditions of use are made more consumer friendly. There are laws about terms and conditions when they apply to consumers in the EU - basically they have to be easily understood - i.e., plain english (french, german, etc), and have no unreasonable clauses, and the ability to alter the terms and conditions is an unreasonable clause.

    In the past Apple has used that clause to reduce the number of playlist recordings down from 7 to 5 - I don't remember if this happened before iTMS was available outside the US however.

    Apr 29, 01:43 PM
    What stage will this be stable enough to use as your main OS? :apple:

    Nov 16, 09:36 AM
    I bought the normal addition a few days back and have just finished the campaign but also played a few rounds of multiplayer and zombies.

    IMO it is way better then W@W but not better maybe even worse then MW2.
    I think i just prefer modern guns compared to old style weapons.

    The campaign is well thought out and has a good story line. Only down side is a couple of glitches i stumbled upon. For example in the level where you drive the gun boat down the river after i got out the sound of the M60(or whatever machine gun is on the boat) stayed on and was way louder then everything else. Even when i died it stayed on. really frustrating.

    The top-down zombie mode is pure awesome.

    Apr 29, 06:57 PM
    I booted into snow leopard on another partition after using Lion for a while and I had trouble not scrolling inversely. I've gotten quite used to it.

    Agree that Lion scrolling makes more sense now that iOS is so popular. But the odd "slider" tab controller really didn't make sense to me. It was animation for animation's sake.

    Sep 25, 11:07 AM
    So how many people rated the news of Aperture being updated as negative just because you whiners didn't get what you wanted, i.e. a different product release? Huh?

    Get over yourselves. Not every Apple event is about what you want. As a photographer this is great news, not "ok" news or even "bad" news. As an Apple users it's decent news because Apple is growing and developing.


    I would have liked to see some performance gains from the software. Perhaps they are there, they just weren't mentioned.


    Sep 12, 08:23 AM
    since they haven't take down apple store for update, does that mean no new product? just new service? i'm waiting for a MB/MBP update

    The store will probably go down within an hour before Steve's keynote. I'm guessing the iTunes Music Store is down this early because this update takes a lot longer than the Web site.

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