Monday, May 30, 2011

balloon wallpaper

balloon wallpaper. birthday alloons wallpaper.
  • birthday alloons wallpaper.

  • khrome
    Apr 4, 11:09 AM
    I had a macbook and an xbox (original) stolen among other, smaller electronics items, etc.

    My experience is one of your "good" neighbors is involved. In my case one of the kids of the family I lived next to (On Mercy blvd. in Savannah, GA) had broken in to my home, then split the goods between himself, another adult neighbor (who I knew was a shadeball), and a third kid.

    Long story short, I intimidated the kid into spilling the beans, had the cops take his statement, and suprise, suprise... the next day he had been beaten up (comfirming that he had indeed told the truth). now he didn't say "X did this", he said "well I saw X walking away about that time" and all you can get out of that is a police visit a few days later.

    I never did get the macbook back, but like you... I located my xbox, and like you I got no response from the police, or more accurately an unwillingness to act unless there was an airtight case. But I did get it back. Plausible deniability works both ways, and I'm sure if the thief was running through the woods he could have dropped it or stashed it outside your house or any number of other scenarios where you legally recovered it from your own property with a whole array of the thief's prints (which won't really do you much good anyway, since they can always say they "came across it" and didn't move it for fear of getting "in trouble"). In the end you probably should have just knocked on the door and posed as a salesman or something to get in the house to visually identify the unit, then forcibly retrieved it. Now that he's remote, without MS's help you are SOL. Sorry, I feel your pain.

    P.S. If you have any trouble with the police failing to pursue leads that should be, I'd recommend contacting your Alderman.

    P.P.S. Incidently I found out that the 13 year old "good kid" burned downed a nearly complete battered women's shelter 2 years earlier, and he got off that (no charges file) for plausible deniability as well. Police are nearly useless unless you need some paperwork filed or a statement taken unless there is a dead body involved.

    balloon wallpaper. For Hot Air Balloon Theme
  • For Hot Air Balloon Theme

  • thegman1234
    Jan 2, 08:59 PM
    Because they refuse to read analysts predictions or run statistics of their own? Yeah, not buying it.

    FYI, there were already reports that Verizon is testing their network and preparing it for an onslaught of iPhone users.

    Also, once again I need to point out that most of AT&Ts issues revolved around their own network deficiencies and a bad WCDMA migration. Verizon has neither of those 2 issues.

    I'm not denying anything you're saying, because it's factual. I'm just saying that, in my honest opinion, I don't see Verizon faring much better than AT&T at the start. They can do all the preparing and testing that they want, but the only way they're really going to be able to know if they can handle it is when it happens. Seeing is believing is all I'm saying. And just to reiterate, I don't think Verizon knows just how many people will switch on or near the day of launch. AT&T's probably going to be dishing out a LOT of early termination fees.

    Also, I'm banking on a lot of people leaving AT&T and getting off of their back because AT&T still really hasn't fully recovered since the iPhone's launch back in '07.

    balloon wallpaper. Balloon Widescreen Wallpapers
  • Balloon Widescreen Wallpapers

  • al85
    Sep 12, 10:57 AM
    Even if the video ipod is released, whats the chance it will let u just drag and drop files into it e.g .avi.

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  • Free Balloon Ride Wallpapers

  • cbrain
    Sep 24, 02:33 PM
    I've just watched the video. Gizmodo really should be ashamed of themselves for that, it just isn't funny. It's disgusting.

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  • alloon girl Wallpaper,

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 16, 09:32 AM
    No, when Apple revealed the iPhone most people were thinking something along the line of "Apple seriously need to reconsider leaving out 3G and the ability to install software if they want to make it in the smart phone business", a phone that doesn't let you install new software is by definiton not a smart phone. The iPhone 3G was the real deal, ofcourse the first gen was successful, simply because it was Apple, but the 3G was when it turned into a good product and soared in popularity.
    And iPhone is far from the first icon based phone and I personally believe the Sony Ericsson P800 and P900 was a big inspiration for iPhone.

    Where can I find the definition of a smart phone?

    balloon wallpaper. Multicolored alloon borders
  • Multicolored alloon borders

  • Object-X
    Sep 25, 11:29 AM
    Adobe is almost getting as bad as Microsoft at delivering software. What's up with Darkroom? It's been in beta for over a year, meanwhile Apple has been steadily improving their product. Granted, some might feel that Aperture was so bad it should have been beta, but at least Apple took the chance to innovate in this space.

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  • Fatasy Landscape wallpaper -

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Mar 19, 07:05 PM
    How could you have it for ages? I think this guy is over exaggerating a little too much.

    You are the one exaggerating.

    Of course he didn't mean it literally. You have to get out more if you haven't heard this...

    balloon wallpaper. background / wallpaper
  • background / wallpaper

  • jfmartin
    Jan 14, 08:50 AM
    Found in a prototype Macbook Air used by Steve Jobs

    The keynote to unfold like this

    Welcome !

    iPhone news (100%)
    * Sales news - 5 millions sold !
    * 8 g version of iPhone price drop - 329$ (50%)
    * 16 g version of iPhone - 399$ (50%)
    * 1.1.3 firmware as seen on the web in december (100%)
    * SDK based apps in developpement will be shown
    * The distribution model of iPhone apps (50%)
    * through iTunes
    * commercial or free
    * automatic upgrade of new versions of Apps
    * authentication/signature required for secure Apps

    iTunes news (100%)
    * More DRM-free content to compete with Amazon MP3 (50%)
    * No Beatles (100%)
    * Movie Rentals
    * 2.99$ -3.99$
    * 3 days rental period
    * from the first play
    * all majors (except sony)
    * play on all iPod/iPhone/AppleTV/Macs
    * Fox to encode version of the movie on the DVD, others studios to do the same
    * Movies rental at the same time of the DVD is out to the market
    * Movie for sale to see price hikes
    * some more differential factors to be announced but still unknown (100%)
    * iTunes 7.6 (not 8.0) (100%)
    * iPods firmware to see new versions to allow movie rentals (100%)

    * the forth leg of apple business, not a hobby anymore (100%)
    * AppleTV open plateform with new tool to build software for the AppleTV
    * some new tools will be shown
    * software for AppleTV available though iTunes (same as iPhone software)

    * new software version 2.0
    * movie rentals (100%)
    * make AppleTV less dependant of iTunes (rent directly from Internet) (80%)
    * new options: weather, news, rss reader, web browsing? (30%)

    * AppleTV device lineup
    * price drop for the current AppleTV (249$) (100%)
    * new AppleTV hardware with better sound support, other goodies still unknown (50%)
    * 160 gigs (299$) (100%)
    * 250 gigs (399$) (50%)
    * new Apple Remote (100%)

    Now, one more thing...

    * New MacBooks pro with new case design (50%)

    * New MacBooks with new case design (70%)

    * Review of the current state of light portables in the market
    * why is not mainstream ? What can we do to fix this ?
    * introducing Macbook Air (100%)
    * no SSD drive but 1.8 inch drives up to 160 gigs
    * no optical drives, sold seperately
    * two screen sizes: 13", 11-12"
    * aluminum, grey or black
    * very thin!!!
    * LED display
    * i/o ports very special to allow slimmer case design (details unknown)
    * 1500$ - 2000$

    Thanks to everybody for coming !

    1) Announces deal with movie companies for rentals through iTunes. These rentals will last the running time of the movie and cost $20.

    2) :apple:TV updated so that it can stream rental movies, but only to analog tvs.

    3) "There's Something in the Air" slogan turns out to be Apple branded oxygen dispenser called the iMask

    4) 16GB iPhone released for original price ($599)

    5) Mac mini discontinued

    6) Surprise switch back to Motorola chip (G6) with immediate updates for all laptop & desktop models

    7) "One More Thing" is rumored lightweight notebook (also doubles as hot plate)

    8) Steve announces the date he will step down as iCEO of Apple

    Before I get flamed, think about how little everyone will have to complain about the actual keynote in light of my pessimistic predictions (I don't actually think any of these things will happen).

    balloon wallpaper. Tom Jerry Balloon Wallpaper
  • Tom Jerry Balloon Wallpaper

  • Abstract
    Jan 12, 07:59 AM
    Look, I feel as if with all the rumors that were flying around about the iPhone, WE pressured him to release the iPhone by Macworld. He did what we wanted. But it was such a large project that he had to forgo releasing other products that we wanted as well. We expected too much of him, and for you to act like that he is an a-hole for releasing something as revolutionary as the iPhone is just plain indecent. </$0.02>

    Good answer. I never thought about it that way. :)

    But you watched. Again.


    Haha, zing!

    who are you kidding? what part of iphone is not previously existed in technology? yay it has a nice UI, like all other apple products, but the hardware?

    remind me, again, what's revolutionary about iPhone?

    You seem to look at the iPhone as a phone + media device. You're right, it's not the first one. It's not even the first touch screen device. However, you're looking at this iPhone as the sum of its parts when usability has to be taken into account.

    If I had the same mindset as you and many others, I could have easily said in "The iPod? It's just an mp3 player with a harddrive in it. A few companies do that already." My point is that you would have never considered ANY Apple phone as revolutionary unless it covered entirely new ground, like holographic video or something. Sometimes, just making it easier for people to do the things they already do is a huge step.

    balloon wallpaper. and Red Balloon Wallpaper
  • and Red Balloon Wallpaper

  • tvachon
    Jan 9, 01:49 PM
    Darn, I expected to come home from school and have it be there. :P I'm not going to be tempted to check any sites or do anything where there might be a spoiler. I think this will be a good time to practice piano & do homework. :)

    Question: When did the keynote end? Was it 11 PM EST or PST? If it was PST, that would mean the keynote only ended 44 minutes ago (about). :eek:

    Edit: MR is being really slow right now for me.

    It ended 2:00pm EST

    balloon wallpaper. Hot Air Balloon Wallpaper 02.
  • Hot Air Balloon Wallpaper 02.

  • Corndog5595
    Dec 10, 07:21 PM
    As mentioned, the spawning is terrible. IMO worse than in MW2 (which seemed hard to believe at first)

    They shouldn't spawn anywhere near me. I hate spawning near the enemies too and die within 5 seconds of spawning. Personally, I'd rather wait 5-10 seconds for a spawning point to open up instead of dying right away.

    Then you get those times when you want to spawn near enemies, and you find yourself sprinting for 5 minutes just to get killed once you get to where you're going.

    balloon wallpaper. air alloon wallpaper
  • air alloon wallpaper

  • twoodcc
    Apr 11, 03:26 PM
    well i'm about to leave my apartment tonight again for the next 2 months. this time i'll only be 2 hours away, so i can come back on the weekends if something messes up again. we'll see.

    oh, and i had to restart my VM before i left to take out the -oneunit flag, and guess what, i lost that unit! it was 96% complete!

    i'm so mad right now :mad:

    balloon wallpaper. Hot air alloon wallpaper (an)
  • Hot air alloon wallpaper (an)

  • CaoCao
    Apr 22, 08:20 PM
    You mean because they passed laws against homosexuality?

    While I find that a little simplistic, if you really want to run with that theory that's your choice.

    Homosexuality in ancient Rome (

    Homosexuality in ancient Rome features dispassionately in many literary works, poems, graffiti and in comments, for example, on the sexual predilections of single emperors: Edward Gibbon famously observed that "of the first fifteen emperors Claudius was the only one whose taste in love was entirely correct". Surviving graphic representations are, on the other hand, rarer in ancient Rome than in classical Greece. Attitudes toward homosexuality changed over time ranging from the matter-of-fact acceptance of Republican Rome and the pagan Empire to rising condemnation, exampled by the Athenian Sextus Empiricus, who asserted that άρρενομιζία was outlawed in Rome� and in Athens, too!� and Cyprian.

    The term homosexuality is anachronistic for the ancient world, since there is no single word in either Latin or ancient Greek with the same meaning as the modern concept of homosexuality, nor was there any sense that a man was defined by his gender choices in love-making; "in the ancient world so few people cared to categorize their contemporaries on the basis of the gender to which they were erotically attracted that no dichotomy to express this distinction was in common use", James Boswell has noted.


    Later Empire

    The rise of statutes legislating against homosexuality begins during the social crisis of the 3rd century, when a series of laws were promulgated regulating various aspects of homosexual relations, from the statutory rape of minors to gay marriages. By the sixth century homosexual relations were expressly prohibited for the first time, as Procopius notes.

    On a related note, a search of the string "homo" in the article The Decline of Rome ( comes up with zero results.

    You gotta do better than that bassfingers. :rolleyes:


    balloon wallpaper. New Years Balloons Wallpaper,
  • New Years Balloons Wallpaper,

  • dXTC
    Sep 28, 01:28 PM
    The house is a little bigger than those drawings depict, as there are stairs leading to a downstairs that is not shown. Probably to the 5th bedroom that is mentioned, likely a downstairs guest room of sorts or something.

    Agree with everyone else though. Simple, not over the top. I like.

    I like, too. I noticed the stairway leading downward as well. Could be a guest room or workout/fitness room.

    In addition, I would wager that there will be a small server room/alcove down there: a Mac mini or Mac Pro server (mini is more likely), with a couple of external hard drives (Drobo, perhaps?), wired to the latest AEBS and positioned directly underneath the living room. This would allow running Ethernet up to the living room TV, equipped of course with the new :apple:tv. That provides a solid Gigabit connection for streaming movies, and plenty of WiFi bandwidth for the master suite. An AirPort Express, set to Bridge mode, will likely be placed near the three smaller bedrooms for better Wi-Fi coverage at that end of the house.

    balloon wallpaper. alloon
  • alloon

  • peharri
    Sep 12, 07:44 AM
    If the iTunes Music Store is going to be called the iTunes Store (iTMS > iTS?) then shouldn't the name iTunes change as well to coincide with the change in available media? :o

    Maybe they can get Senator Ted Stevens ( to change his mind if they rename it the "iTubes Media Store"? The name would look similar enough that most people probably wouldn't even notice.

    balloon wallpaper. Balloons wallpaper
  • Balloons wallpaper

  • -y0-
    Apr 13, 02:31 AM
    -Audioengine 2
    -Audioengine DS1
    -BJC MSA-1 Audio Cable
    -BJC Twelve White Speaker Cables
    -OGIO Drifter
    -OGIO Doppler

    balloon wallpaper. Cool Air Balloon Wallpaper
  • Cool Air Balloon Wallpaper

  • zachlegomaniac
    Apr 8, 09:33 PM
    Glad to see not everyones an Apple sheep..

    Yeah, I've gotta agree on this one too.

    balloon wallpaper. sections of the alloon
  • sections of the alloon

  • wmmk
    Nov 24, 05:53 AM
    ok, about to leave for the apple store! i'm psyched!

    balloon wallpaper. This computer wallpaper
  • This computer wallpaper

  • psycoswimmer
    Jan 9, 02:00 PM
    Wow, so much for the spoiler free link. I just checked the page and saw WHAT THEY ANNOUNCED in some kind of news ticker!!!!!!!

    Maybe next year.

    :mad: I just refreshed before you said that and I saw that too. Ah, well. We don't know any details so the wait isn't completely lost.

    Apr 24, 05:13 AM

    What trolls? If you're on about *LTD* here, he is entitled to his opinion, and whereas our opinions differ, it does not mean he is a troll.

    What I don't like in this case, is that *LTD* appears to have altered his opinion to suit Apple. He has, on several cases, accuse Google of being a company that cares more about the personal data of users, rather than the user experience. And now that Apple are also seen to be possibly collecting user data, it's a non-issue.

    I also disagree with his thought that the 'average person' wouldn't care about the safety and security of their children on cyberspace. Utter rubbish. The 'average person' wants re-assuring that cyberspace is totally safe before they let their kids use it. The 'average person' wants full control over what their kids can and can't do on cyberspace. The 'average person' also doesn't really know the difference between a conversation with a pedo over messenger, and a conversation with an actual friend.

    Let me give an example:
    Lizzie: Hey.
    Amy: Hi. :p
    Lizzie: Check out this cool song.
    <Lizzie offers Amy track01.mp3.exe>
    <Transfer complete.>
    Amy: Clicked on it. Doesn't work :(
    Lizzie: :/ I'll look for it on YouTube.
    Amy: k :)
    Lizzie: Here you go :D

    And before you know it, the pedo has access to everything on "Amy's" computer. If our pedo knows how to get a malicious program like that, they certainly know which file contains their iPhone locations.

    Slim chance, I know. But there is a risk that it may happen. And I find that unacceptable.

    Apr 26, 10:38 AM
    Oh sounds very exciting! Can't wait, hoping it word fine :D

    thanks. i hope it works also. if not, i know what i'll be working on this weekend. but it looks like the gpus are still going i think

    Apr 21, 10:28 PM
    Better. Can we turn it off in User CP Options?

    May 4, 03:46 PM
    No, we've had similar discussions before regarding a physician's willingness to treat someone due to their own personal religious beliefs, etc. and their response was quite different... the vast majority in that case believed that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT should not allow doctors to ask such questions or refuse to perform procedures they found philosophically reprehensible such as abortions... as if each physician in the country is some sort of robot working at the service of the government no longer allowed to think or reason on their own. But, now that it's about guns, they take a different approach. It's a very distinct hypocrisy.

    nope; you've simply mixed up the issues and the responses

    Apr 25, 10:34 PM
    Oh sweet. Looks really good, can always do with a bigger screen!!

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