Tuesday, June 7, 2011

julia roberts

julia roberts. Julia Roberts
  • Julia Roberts

  • ciTiger
    Apr 20, 03:31 PM
    iOS World Frustration Index suddenly dropped to bottom. Numbers finally start to matter again. Once they add Macs, Mac Pros, Mac Minis, refurb resales etc. to the list (when they run iOS) - it will be time to declare victory :D

    That's a nice one ahah!

    But seriously these statistics are very good to get a notion on how things are progressing.

    julia roberts. Labels: Julia Roberts
  • Labels: Julia Roberts

  • Dunbar
    Mar 27, 01:14 PM

    Ha ha, I was thinking of this exact same Jude Judy case :) I can't believe people here are saying there's nothing wrong with this listing. It is absolutely in Ebay's interest to make sure these scammer ads are done away with.

    julia roberts. Born As: Julie Fiona Roberts
  • Born As: Julie Fiona Roberts

  • jrko
    Apr 5, 03:27 AM
    The 4 port came with 5.1.3 but i had to flash the 2 port cart and load up 5.1.3

    Thank you so much for your help zen.state and all

    Much to my shame I forgot to order power supply wiring for my HD's!! :rolleyes:

    Will have to order some once I get some funds through....

    julia roberts. Julia Roberts long wavy
  • Julia Roberts long wavy

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 16, 06:43 PM
    It's impossible to be 100% certain is a crap response, because in many cases it is 100% certain, and i've named a few already.

    That is false. Even lawyers agree that 100% certainty is impossible. That is why we have the term "reasonable doubt". The 5 men wrongly sentenced to death in Ohio went through what was supposed to be an exceptionally thorough legal process, yet it still failed them.

    Also, the whole financial issue is very debatable and i don't think anyone here has solid figures on it.

    An unconvincing statement. Prove it.

    The only reason it may cost more to execute someone is because of all the appeals and court costs, this can easily be fixed so execution is the most economical way.

    Stalin, Gaddafi and Kim Jong Il would agree. You're in good company there.

    I'm not going any further into this because my stance that some people are unworthy of life won't change. Peace out girl scout.

    Don't labor under the illusion that I or anyone else cares what you think. Frankly I do not. You've added nothing to this discussion but emotional responses and baiting, after which you've abandoned what is clearly a lost cause. I think that speaks for itself.


    julia roberts. Julia Roberts
  • Julia Roberts

  • chagle
    Jun 14, 11:41 AM
    Anyone getting the new iPhone 3Gs on Friday? - Where abouts?

    Me, Basildon - Essex! :)

    julia roberts. Long and Large curly hair
  • Long and Large curly hair

  • yadmonkey
    May 2, 04:26 PM
    I'm not gay, but I take offense to the idea of equating homosexual activity with "sleeping with hookers, and intravenous drug users". Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they sleep around, just like someone who is straight doesn't just sleep around. This is something that you should probably reflect on, in that gay people can be just as likely or not to sleep around and behave in risky ways as straight people can.

    I don't think the person you are responding to was equating homosexuality with anything. If you've ever given blood, which I have many times, you would know that you have to fill out a form every time which asks you questions based on relatively high-risk behaviors, including sex-for-money, intravenous drug use, and male-to-male sex. That doesn't make them equated and I see nothing in Socratic's post that would imply s/he felt they were.


    julia roberts. Julia Roberts - Photos of
  • Julia Roberts - Photos of

  • samcraig
    Apr 28, 09:29 AM
    I have a 50 page word doc that comes in at 100K (maybe a little over).

    The 2MB cache is 20 times larger than this word doc.

    julia roberts. Here Julia Roberts looking
  • Here Julia Roberts looking

  • tinman0
    Apr 28, 08:40 AM
    They are still expecting to sell 5 million.

    5m at an average turnover of $650 EACH....


    julia roberts. Julia Roberts – Charlie
  • Julia Roberts – Charlie

  • cambookpro
    Apr 11, 12:22 PM
    I feel all MacBooky :D


    Any links to this wallpaper? Love it.

    julia roberts. Julia Roberts Dishes on 10 of
  • Julia Roberts Dishes on 10 of

  • AP_piano295
    Mar 18, 02:56 PM
    I know right? Christians are totally equivalent in women's clothing to Muslims. I mean, asking for the skirts to be to their knees, for them to not see midriff, or parts of the breast is totally equivalent to making the wear burkhas. And then there is the audacity to ask for them to not be exposed to butt crack on the beach, simply appalling their curtailing of freedom!

    Congratulations on so thoroughly missing the point.


    julia roberts. of 2010 with Julia Roberts
  • of 2010 with Julia Roberts

  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 02:39 PM
    Then you cannot display the "highest" resolution version of the media. Either none, or a resolution crippled version (ie 480p vs 1080i).


    Hmm... I'm gonna avoid this like the plague now.

    julia roberts. Julia Roberts Hawaii
  • Julia Roberts Hawaii

  • mcdj
    Mar 27, 08:56 PM
    You don't believe me? He sent that to my eBay and now the auction is cancelled like he just said he was going to do. Sucks but I dont think that other guy is going to get his money back. Not like we are going to find out either.

    Oh I believe you now, but you didn't say he messaged you through ebay before�I thought you meant he pm'd you here.


    julia roberts. Julia Roberts
  • Julia Roberts

  • nealibob
    Apr 4, 10:18 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    So competition with Verizon having the iPhone = price increase??? How does that make any sense??

    You know they only compete to see who can charge more, right?

    julia roberts. Julia Roberts Al Pacino
  • Julia Roberts Al Pacino

  • pewtermoose
    Oct 6, 12:53 AM
    People here seem to really be freaking out about this textarea business. Its really not that big a deal.

    How many users are going to resize the textarea so large that its double or quadruple its original size? - Probably not too many and unless you have a layout that tries to deal with every edge case perfectly, your site is going to break a bit.

    Now in the real world most users - if they even bother to resize at all - are going to expand it just enough to make it easier to write in, probably not making it even 1.5x original size.

    In most cases your layout is not going to break if you've put any thought into it.

    Finally, are we all forgetting that WebKit supports min/max-width and height? This DOES apply to textarea's so everyone can stop freaking out about users breaking their layouts. Though I must say, having used the feature it is quite handy so don't knock it until you've tried it - and I am a web designer so I do realize the havoc it can wreak.

    No need for user agent sniffing. No need for Javascript hacks. A couple lines of standards compliant CSS is all thats needed.

    The Safari/WebKit engineers are some very smart and talented people - that people would assume that they would go off and implement such a feature willy nilly without giving any thought to it like people are implying is an insult and plain rude.


    julia roberts. Julia Roberts + Jessica Biel
  • Julia Roberts + Jessica Biel

  • pourhadi
    Jan 22, 11:37 PM
    Thanks for the link!

    Oddly though, I see the link on MacRumors, but not on MacBytes.com...

    julia roberts. julia%20roberts.jpg
  • julia%20roberts.jpg

  • jtglenn
    Apr 17, 04:16 PM
    During which month they provide "Back to School" promotion?



    julia roberts. Julia Roberts
  • Julia Roberts

  • BenManchester
    Mar 25, 09:59 AM
    100-metre queue at the Arndale Apple Store.

    julia roberts. Julia Roberts picture
  • Julia Roberts picture

  • charlesbronsen
    Jan 12, 01:58 PM
    Haven't listened to them for quite some and accidentally stumbled upon their new LP "There Is No Enemy". Damn did I miss these guys. I loaded the new album on my iPod for a quick listen for my 5min hike to the store. Well I ended up walking around for like 45mins totally spaced and only came to when the cd ended. All in all, good walk - great cd.;)

    julia roberts. Julia Roberts Richard Jenkins
  • Julia Roberts Richard Jenkins

  • iGav
    Jan 21, 02:14 PM
    looks like Ferrari desperatly needed their own Panamera ...

    Hardly... the 612 remains the better car & Ferrari have been producing 4-seaters for decades. ;)

    Regarding the design, personally I rather like the fact that they've gone for a Shooting Brake aesthetic rather than an ungainly 4 door one. Remember, Ferrari's are almost always controversial (entirely unlike Porsche). :)

    Apr 28, 12:27 PM
    What, did Apple think that Verizon customers would warmly welcome someone who shunned them for 4 years? The customer is most important, shouldn'thave signed that exclusive contract with AT&T... relly stunted their growth in the CDMA market, people move on too...

    If Apple had not signed that exclusive contract with AT&T, there would be no iPhone as we know it. Nor would there be Android as we know it. AT&T was the carrier willing to cede device control to Apple, which was a real game-changer. They required exclusivity to do it.

    Android fans should be thanking Apple for that partnership, because not only did it make their own OS possible, but it also gave their OS a growth opportunity while Apple was tied down with AT&T.

    Apple OC
    Mar 28, 12:32 AM
    I clearly stated the seller deserves to lose his money for complete stupidity.

    glad you corrected that to seller ... earlier you were hoping the buyer gets scammed

    May 2, 03:07 PM
    Honourable Mambers,

    I have an application which i want to unzip and do not know how to go about it.Help.

    May 2, 06:20 PM
    I've not given for a couple of years since our town hall was closed for refurbishment (that's where the donor sessions were held). But this has inspired me to look up a session next week.

    My "I do something amazing. I give blood" card (http://www.blood.co.uk/giving-blood/donor-award-scheme/whole-blood-donor/) keeps eyeing me disapprovingly from my wallet. Actually, looking at that page, I think I'm only one donation away from the silver award. Sweet!

    I'm AB+ (universal recipient) which is handy.

    Apr 4, 11:18 AM
    Cool, just cancelled my print subscription

    nicole anderson tattoo

    nicole anderson tattoo. Mike, Everlasting Tattoo
  • Mike, Everlasting Tattoo

  • phillipduran
    Nov 19, 02:03 PM
    I'm sure TJMax is rethinking how brilliant their idea is. But is it really illegal? What can Apple do?

    Apple shouldn't be able to do anything. TJ Max buys at retail and sells for $100 off at a loss. This so far has become the most cost effective advertising campaign for TJ Max EVER! Just look at it. Mac Rumors is talking about TJ Max. this will probably hit major news networks as well if it hasn't already.

    nicole anderson tattoo. Forget about Nicole Anderson
  • Forget about Nicole Anderson

  • jbooo
    Dec 4, 07:32 PM
    Im looking for a Dlink Bluetooth adapter... anybody have one? PM me.
    I have one for sale... let me know if your interested... I'll put it up on ebay otherwise


    nicole anderson tattoo. Nicole Anderson
  • Nicole Anderson

  • JasonR
    Feb 9, 12:43 PM
    Hope they do this on verizon as well. Is it unlimited calling TO and FROM cell phones?

    nicole anderson tattoo. Posted in: girls tattoos
  • Posted in: girls tattoos

  • NY Guitarist
    Apr 30, 07:37 PM
    Die Mobile Me - DIE DIE DIE. Anything will be better than the self centered sounding @me.com. I simply will not use the email address in a professional context. Don't mind @Mac.com, and still use it, but @me.com sends the wrong message.

    While I don't feel as strongly as you I have to agree. The original mac.com had a significant feel to it.

    Me.com sounds frivolous.


    nicole anderson tattoo. Germs Manager Nicole#39;s Back
  • Germs Manager Nicole#39;s Back

  • roadbloc
    Oct 6, 10:06 AM
    Click for bigger :)

    nicole anderson tattoo. Tattoo Chris Andersen Tattoos
  • Tattoo Chris Andersen Tattoos

  • sikkinixx
    Sep 2, 06:41 PM
    Soooo tomorrow is the day. Finally, months after watching those damn east coasters get a taste of PAX, it's back home on the best coast. Huzzah!

    Gonna get on the inFamous machines asap as well as the Killzone 3 machines before they get mobbed down. Money is on Halo Reach being ***** nuts, as will the 3DS (if it's there......)

    I'll post pics as always. Yeehaw


    nicole anderson tattoo. Mi Tattoo
  • Mi Tattoo

  • atari1356
    Dec 14, 11:55 AM
    Here's my entry which I'm calling "Chip Swap". :D

    nicole anderson tattoo. Nicole Richie David Beckham
  • Nicole Richie David Beckham

  • spinnerlys
    Nov 16, 01:28 PM
    Gimp (http://www.gimp.org/macintosh/)


    nicole anderson tattoo. Nicki Minaj Tattoo On Back.
  • Nicki Minaj Tattoo On Back.

  • outz
    Apr 25, 08:31 PM
    sorry wrong post

    No way. I totally disagree with everything you've said!

    nicole anderson tattoo. Or quot;tear tattoosquot; to represent
  • Or quot;tear tattoosquot; to represent

  • sundoggy
    Oct 8, 04:23 PM
    it crashes regularly, even on macrumors or on the apple site!
    just make it work!

    One thing Safari doesn't do is crash on its own. I am macrumors and the apple site all the time, and get no crashes. The problems I have had with Safari--slow downs mostly--have been the result of other system problems. I didn't realize this until the whole system came down due to a hard drive failure and I had to restore all my directories to the new HD. Since then, Safari has been speedier than ever, and some of the other Safari-specific annoyances (like cached site icons slowing it down) have stopped completely. I also find that it renders almost everything properly. However, I do use Flock, which is really Firefox 1.5, and it seems a bit quicker (faster than Firefox actually--not sure why, but maybe because Fox is loaded with too many plugins).

    ABOUT SAFT: Saft is a way cool addition to Safari, and I don't think Apple is planning to add everything in Saft to v3. I highly recommend this cheap add on. BUT, NOTE, it is not free, and it has a pain in the butt upgrade procedure, which you have to do everytime there is an OS upgrade, because Safari releases are tied to OS releases (unless you download the webkit builds, which BTW, will pick up anything you have added to Safari).


    nicole anderson tattoo. Tattoo
  • Tattoo

  • navicaph
    Oct 15, 03:43 PM

    Clickable | 2560x1440

    Mind if you share the wallpaper?

    nicole anderson tattoo. Dinosaur Tattoo
  • Dinosaur Tattoo

  • likemyorbs
    Mar 16, 01:37 PM
    Good news everyone!!! You guys remember the connecticut home invasion where Dr. William Petit, his two daughters and wife were brutally attacked in their home, and the daughters and wife were tortured, raped and murdered? Well, the trial for the second suspect is going on today, and he's probably getting the death penalty!! The first suspect, steven hayes, was already sentenced to death a few months back. CHEERS!!! :D:D:D I'm so glad connecticut is one of the sane states that has a death penalty. Unfortunately my state was the first to ban it in 2007. I would say go for a good old fashioned lynching.


    nicole anderson tattoo. Nicole Anderson as Tasha.
  • Nicole Anderson as Tasha.

  • Ashleydonnie
    Mar 7, 06:12 AM
    Well i Pad is not a chopping section for you this comes pre installed in your Apple Mac so you don't have to panic about it .

    nicole anderson tattoo. Comments: black and gray
  • Comments: black and gray

  • RawBert
    Dec 25, 03:19 AM
    Damn, I'm loving these muthaz...



    nicole anderson tattoo. my first tattoo, it was a
  • my first tattoo, it was a

  • mbleopard
    Apr 13, 03:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8F190)

    The tech at the Cingular store told me it would be next year before 5 will appear. Not sure how reliable that is or where he got his info. I asked him how sure of that he was. He stated he was very sure.

    He knows about as much as the rest of us.

    nicole anderson tattoo. Tattoo process is long and
  • Tattoo process is long and

  • Rowbear
    Feb 25, 05:52 AM
    Hi and welcome.

    I'm kinda new myself and love it :)


    nicole anderson tattoo. High detail in this Tribal
  • High detail in this Tribal

  • SAN993
    Apr 23, 06:51 PM
    Hello all,

    My wife has a Mac Book Pro, with Mac OS X. In the address book, she wants to sort the contacts fron A to Z, but cant work out how to do it. Any help greatly appreciated.



    nicole anderson tattoo. Miley Cyrus Has New Tattoo
  • Miley Cyrus Has New Tattoo

  • VivianeT
    Apr 23, 09:56 PM
    Please HELP!!!!!! I have to delete duplicates masters.
    I am using Aperture 3
    There has to be a way!!

    nicole anderson tattoo. a face tattoo of an ice-cream
  • a face tattoo of an ice-cream

  • jessica.
    Sep 26, 10:07 PM
    Looks great I am excited. I like paying 100 a year for 50 mb of space.
    I'll pay again because I am that egotistical!

    Apr 5, 10:26 AM
    How many people here want to choose to get tons of junk mail delivered to their house?

    Raise your hand if you'd take that option.

    Serious quesion. If most posters here raise their hands then I'll shut up and say you were right.

    Not me I don't want to share my info with anyone unless I Opt IN.

    Apr 21, 03:31 PM
    Dude, could you be any more obvious with an username like that? Get real dude.

    Or we could compare smartphone models where the iPhone models would win again or we could compare actual smartphone brands which would again have Apple beating android brands.

    If you want to compare iOS to Android then you have to include iPod Touches and iPads. They all run iOS and can basically run the same set of iPhone/iPod Touch or universal apps. It is not Apple's problem that almost nobody is making a non-phone android device in the same form factor as the iPod Touch. It is also not Apple's problem that Android tablets have been a flop.

    If you are developer on iOS, you can target iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads with the same app if you choose so they can be consider one platform as far as universal apps are concerned.

    You are missing it arn't you. When people do a graph to compare smart phone OSs they do not take the graph and account tablets, MP3 players or tvs they only count the items that are sold as phones.

    I often do see apple users making comparisons to android such as "Androids have worst battery life." which is a broad comparison to it. It is also not true. The Atrix now holds the title as the longest lasting smart phone OS.

    Mar 6, 10:18 PM
    can everyone please list the links?

    Mar 29, 05:57 AM
    so, the thing is, tomatocart has payment modules and i want to charge customers for the "pay on delivery" option, which is not supported, hence i have to edit the module itself.

    i quote from TomatoCart's guides:

    The payment php files in the �/includes/modules/payment/� are responsible for rendering payment information for customers and handling payment gateway notifications; the files in the �/admin/includes/modules/payment/� contains the configuration options to configure the payment module. And each payment method also have a language resource XML file in the �/includes/languages/LANGUAGE_CODE/ modules/payment/�.

    so i basically have to edit the first two files, the one in "admin" and the one in "includes", and then update the language files...

    i'm uploading the three files in folders that denote their location in a zip file.

    i've edited the "admin" cod (cash on delivery) file and added the following, basically taken from a shipping method, that includes cost details (i'm adding the file in the zip file):

    $osC_Database->simpleQuery("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('Payment Cost', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_COST', '3.50', 'The payment cost for all orders using this payment method.', '6', '0', now())");

    Mar 25, 11:54 AM
    I wonder how difficult it would be find an individual with the talents needed both on the Software Engineering side & the GIS (Geographic Information Systems) side. Most GIS education these days doesn't really focus on programming. Infact, most GIS "programs" are just crash courses on how to operate ESRI products.


    Ha ha! I work with ESRI on ARC integration...Alot of schools are actually providing geospatial related degrees (be it analysis or as a concentration under CS). That said, Id rather the HW improve to have better position referencing.

    Monday, June 6, 2011

    alex o loughlin 2011

    alex o loughlin 2011. Credit: Alex O#39;Loughlin Rocks.
  • Credit: Alex O#39;Loughlin Rocks.

  • shays992000
    Feb 9, 12:24 PM
    You will only loose your rollover minutes if you switch plan types. Example from Family Talk to a single line plan. Changing minutes will not effect your roll over minutes.

    alex o loughlin 2011. about Alex O#39;Loughlin,
  • about Alex O#39;Loughlin,

  • mainstreetmark
    Apr 6, 12:23 PM
    If each byte were a $1000 bill, that's still less than the US national debt of $14.3PB (again, if B were $1000 for agrument's sake)

    alex o loughlin 2011. from Alex O#39;Loughlin#39;s
  • from Alex O#39;Loughlin#39;s

  • mikeschmeee
    Apr 7, 05:24 PM
    Rig shot of my friends car.

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5267/5599112222_3ef74173cb.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmeee/5599112222/)

    alex o loughlin 2011. Alex O#39;Loughlin
  • Alex O#39;Loughlin

  • swindmill
    Mar 25, 08:20 PM
    I'm giving Onyx a try, but my first problem is that three menu bar app's I use only show up on the menu bar when Onyx is selected.

    I use Tiger Launch, Bluephone Elite, and Backlight. THese now show up on the left side of the menu bar when Onyx is being used and don't show at all otherwise. Any way to correct this?


    alex o loughlin 2011. alex o#39;loughlin
  • alex o#39;loughlin

  • atari1356
    Dec 14, 11:55 AM
    Here's my entry which I'm calling "Chip Swap". :D

    alex o loughlin 2011. Alex O#39;Loughlin
  • Alex O#39;Loughlin

  • MacBytes
    Feb 17, 09:37 AM
    Category: 3rd Party Software
    Link: Open-Source Building Blocks Available (http://www.macbytes.com/link.php?sid=20050217103735)
    Posted on MacBytes.com (http://www.macbytes.com)

    Approved by Mudbug


    alex o loughlin 2011. Alex O#39;Loughlin. May 29, 2011
  • Alex O#39;Loughlin. May 29, 2011

  • gatepc
    Jan 1, 11:05 PM
    Ok... as for additional parameters, type
    -smp 2 -advmethods

    Make sure you set up your passkey. After completing 10 units with it, you should start getting bonus points.

    Alright thanks a ton guys will fold for a long long time.

    alex o loughlin 2011. Alex O#39;Loughlin on The Bonnie
  • Alex O#39;Loughlin on The Bonnie

  • tmp0404
    Apr 7, 08:53 AM
    I miss 4.2.1, it was really stable for me :(

    I'm on 4.2.1, but because I have an iPhone 3, I guess I'm at the end of getting updates from Apple. Is this true, just wondering.



    alex o loughlin 2011. Alex O#39;Loughlin is spotted
  • Alex O#39;Loughlin is spotted

  • cxny
    Apr 6, 12:29 PM
    Is it too late to add 1 more Peta to the order? I'm planning on becoming a heavy ITMS user soon.

    alex o loughlin 2011. Alex O#39;Loughlin
  • Alex O#39;Loughlin

  • TooSmooth
    Apr 4, 10:07 PM
    does anyone know?


    alex o loughlin 2011. Alex O#39;Loughlin On the Cover
  • Alex O#39;Loughlin On the Cover

  • markelim
    Dec 14, 11:19 PM
    Please excuse the messy workspace.


    Link (http://www.gadgetmac.com/picture/up_design_by_halpha-d32hze2.png?pictureId=7843099&asThumbnail=true)

    re link please, the link goes to a small version

    alex o loughlin 2011. GQ Style, March 2011
  • GQ Style, March 2011

  • eddiexhart
    Mar 11, 11:15 AM
    Anybody planning on going to this one?

    239 Los Cerritos Center
    Cerritos, CA 90703

    I'm about to head out and wait, hopefully the first one!


    alex o loughlin 2011. Alex O#39;Loughlin
  • Alex O#39;Loughlin

  • miniConvert
    Jan 9, 03:59 PM
    When AppleTV was announced I felt a sense of excitement - finally Apple's set-top box had arrived and Mac fans wanting to bring the experience into their livingroom could do without feeling too much like what they really need is a Windows Media Centre.

    Then when iPhone happened I couldn't quite believe it. I was absolutely stunned, despite all the rumours, and was incredibly worried about what it might look like. Could Apple produce an ugly design? The phone has been designed in so many shapes and sizes that surely they can't come up with something completely unique?

    When I actually saw the first pictures I was blown away. Now I'm desperately waiting for the video of the keynote to come out so I can see the handset in action. I can completely understand why Steve dedicated almost the entire keynote to the iPhone because it is definitely Apple's most important product launch to date.

    Of course I was disappointed that there was no demonstration of Leopard or announcements about the Mac's, but that's obviously not what this Macworld was meant to be about. Instead I now hope we'll see special events over the coming months to give us all the bits we'd have normally received here. What does worry me, as a new switcher to Mac and somebody who has switched his company over with him, is the name change. Dropping 'computer' from the name suggests that the Macs aren't the core business activity any longer. While the name better reflects the direction Apple is going in anyway, the Mac platform needs all the endorsement it can get and I don't think the old name was causing anybody any bother.

    All in all it looks to have been an excellent keynote. The iPhone has obviously taken some incredible engineering and I look forward to all the juicy details becoming public over the next few days, weeks and months.

    alex o loughlin 2011. O#39;Loughlin (As seen in Hawaii
  • O#39;Loughlin (As seen in Hawaii

  • 3N16MA
    May 5, 11:22 PM

    Still one of the most beautiful supercars I have ever seen. Considering it shares so much in common with the gt 40 styling (it is a homage to it after all) the look will always be classic. I can't really think of many cars I would rather have if I had my choice.

    I believe those are custom rims. I would change those but it's not like I'm complaining.


    alex o loughlin 2011. Alex O#39;Loughlin goes shirtless
  • Alex O#39;Loughlin goes shirtless

  • 100Years
    May 3, 10:11 AM
    It was my bad --- apparently there was a newer driver on the CalDigit website. Works fine now.

    alex o loughlin 2011. Alex O#39;Loughlin
  • Alex O#39;Loughlin

  • tallyho
    Nov 2, 03:32 PM
    May seem like a silly question about the shuffle....but can the 2nd gen Shuffle play gapless if you set it off shuffle and load in a gapless album?


    alex o loughlin 2011. Alex O#39;Loughlin on Jimmy
  • Alex O#39;Loughlin on Jimmy

  • normwood
    Oct 9, 04:10 PM
    How in the heck do you show conversations?


    alex o loughlin 2011. Alex O#39;Loughlin
  • Alex O#39;Loughlin

  • NCW
    Aug 1, 03:59 PM
    Geektool is a common one.

    you can apply themes with geektool? I did not know this, ive never done much with it before, just a few scripts for weather and stuff

    alex o loughlin 2011. The handsome Alex O#39;Loughlin
  • The handsome Alex O#39;Loughlin

  • Chromus
    Apr 1, 04:09 PM
    How do I get that "now playing" widget thing like MrHyde has?

    Mar 23, 12:35 PM
    Maybe Apple was a bank in a previous life. :D

    It's sad to see an "old timer" leave Apple, but I'm guessing that Serlet's financially set and wants to do some "pure" research at a university before he retires. Not everyone has that luxury.

    It seems that OS X will be left in good hands, though.

    I read somewhere he's perhaps not happy that iOS is gaining more influence over OS X. Certainly possible imo.

    Mar 30, 07:30 AM
    Anybody going to line up at the GSP today (Wed, March 30th)? I will hopefully be there soon.

    Mar 24, 12:54 PM
    Thank you.

    There is more misinformation and lies posted here than ever before. And way too many people believe anything they see "published on the Internet".

    And people feel free to be as rude as they want, even bringing scat and other homosexual fetishes into a simple transfer of power to the second in command:

    All the amazing benefits both with speed, less HDD space usage on a clean install, OSX in general (Darwin) and even server or core shells we owe to Bertrand Serlet; not this dingle berry kiss-arse.

    Aug 15, 01:02 AM
    Most of these blob icons are custom, PM more for them
    http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4140/4892562239_2a90ff2a70_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/29201399@N03/4892562239/)

    Jun 1, 07:17 PM

    i like


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